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Ancient Egypt: Archaeological Finds



Artifacts from Ancient Egypt Mendoza, B



Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology Nicholson, Paul T. and Ian Shaw

pdf - chapter


Bone i gurines of the Early Islamic period: the so called “Coptic dolls” from Palestine and Egypt Shatil, A



Clothing (non-royal), Pharaonic Egypt HALLMANN, ALEKSANDRA



Egyptian Weaving in 2000 B.C. Clark, Charlotte R


Multidetector Computed Tomographic Study of Amulets, Jewelry, and Other Foreign Objects in Royal Egyptian Mummies Dated From the 18th to 20th Dynasties


Non-royal Nubian Clothing Representations during the New Kingdom and the Kushites Twenty-Fifth Dynasty Ebeid, Ahmen and Tamer Fahim


Sacred Luxuries: Fragrance, Aromatherapy, and Cosmetics in Ancient Egypt Manniche, Lise



"Stone... That Flows": Faience and Glass as Man-Made Stones in Egypt Nicholson, Paul T.


The Archaeology of Early Egypt: Social Transformations in North-East Africa, 10,000 to 2650 BC Wengrow, David



The Artistic Features of the Individuals' Cloaks in Ancient Egypt

Ahmed, Nadia Mohamed and Maher Hammam Mohamed


The Material World of Ancient Egypt Peck, William



The use and origin of antimonate colorants in early Egyptian glass* Shortland, AJ


Representation of Ptolemaic Kings in cloaks on the walls of the Egyptian Temples


Winter Clothing in ancient Egypt ملابس الشتاء في مصر القديمة Hagan, Nourhan


"Woven Seamless of Clothes between Ancient Egyptian History and Future"

pdf Elnashar, Elsayed Ahmed


Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives Harris, Susanna and Laurence Douny




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