Thank you to The Honorable Lady Aia Gold-Bearer for sharing her Bronze Age bibliography
A consideration of villages in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain and Ireland Rathbone, S.
A fusion of settlement and identity in dispersed and nucleated settlements in Bronze Age Ireland Ginn, V. R.
A place for the dead: The role of human remains in Late Bronze Age Britain Bruck, J.
All That Glitters: Personal Ornamentation in the Middle and Late Bronze Age of Britain and Ireland Casaly, A.
Amber in the Irish Bronze Age MacWhite, E.
Journal of the Cork Historical Archaeological Society, 49(169), 122-27.
Amber in prehistoric Britain (8th ed.) Beck, C. & Shennan, S.
An Interim Report on Excavations at Etton, Maxey, Cambridgeshire Pryor, F.
Balancing the scales: Exploring the variable effects of collection bias on data collected by the Potable Antiquities Scheme Roberts, K. J.
Boom and bust in Bronze Age Britain: Major copper production from the Great Orme mine and European trade, c. 1600-1400 BC. Williams, R. A. & de Veslund, C.
Bronze Age architectural traditions: Dates and landscapes Pope, R.
Contextualising cremations: Evidence from prehistoric burials Troy, C
In T. Bolger, C. Moloney & D. Shiels (Eds), A journey along the Carlow corridor: The archaeology of the M9 Carlow bypass (pp 131-144). Dublin: National Roads Authority.
Corrstown, a coastal community: Excavations of a Bronze Age village in Northern Ireland Ginn, V. R., & Rathbone, S.
Cremation in the Bronze Age: Practice, processes, and belief. The Bronze Age landscapes of the pipeline to the west: An integrated archaeological and environmental assessment Lynch, L. G., & O’Donnell, L.
Did Neolithic farming fail? The case for a Bronze Age agricultural revolution in the British Isles Stevens, C. J., & Fuller, D. Q.
Fragments from antiquity: An archaeology of social life in Britain, 2900-1200 BC.
From Skane to Scotstown: Some notes on amber in Bronze Age Ireland Eogan, G.
‘Hair-rings’ and European Late Bronze Age society Eogan, G.
Hoards and the deposition of metalwork Bradley, R.
Houses, lifecycles, and deposition on Middle Bronze Age settlements in southern England
Imaginary people. Alfred Dieck and the bog bodies of northwest Europe van der Sanden, W.A.B., & Eisenbeiss, S
Isotopic investigation of residential mobility and diet Millard, A.
Land, power, and prestige: Bronze Age field systems in southern England Yates, D. T.
Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age Patterson, N., Isakov, M., Booth, T. et al.
London’s prehistoric menagerie. Museum of London. Barrett, G.
Mapping society: Settlement structure in later Bronze Age Ireland Ginn, V. R.
Must Farm Timber Platform: Post Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design
Knight, M., Ballantyne, R., Gibson, D., & Robinson Zeki, I.
On the curious date of the Rylstone log-coffin burial
Melton, N., Montgomery, J., Roberts, B., Cook, G., and S. Harris
Pathways for the dead in the Middle and Late Bronze Age in Ireland. In J. Cerezo-Roman
Reassessing community cemeteries: Cremation burials in Britain during the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1600-1150 cal BC) Caswell, E., & Roberts, B. W.
Some Somerset hoards and their place in the Bronze Age of southern Britain Smith, M. A.
The Ancient Celts (Second Edition) Cunliffe, Barry
The later prehistory of north-west Europe: The evidence of development-led fieldwork
Bradley, R. Haselgrove, C., Vander Linden, M., and Webley, L.
The Provenance, Use, and Circulation of Metals in the European Bronze Age: The State of Debate Radivojević, M., Roberts, B.W., Pernicka, E. et al.
Tin isotopy: A new method for solving old questions. Archaeometry Haustein, M., Gillis, C., and Pernicka, E.
Two finds of Late Bronze Age objects. Coffey, G.