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Byzantine Food


Updated: Aug 18, 2020


Bread, Oil, Wine, and Milk: Feeding Infants and Adults in Byzantine Greece Bourbou, Chryssi and Sandra Garvie-Lou


Byzantine Inventory Lists of Food Provisions and Utensils on an Ashmolean Papyrus Maravela-Solbakk, Anastasia


Byzantine garlic and Turkish delight: Dining habits and cultural change in central Greece from Byzantine to Ottoman times Vroom, Joanita


Feast, Fast or Famine: Food and Drink in Byzantium Mayer, Wendy et al



Feeding the Army: Food and transport in Byzantium, ca 600-1100 Haldon, John


Ham in Ancient and Byzantine Dietetics, Medicine and Gastronomy Rzenznicka, Zofia


Reconstructing the diets of Greek Byzantine populations (6th–15th centuries AD) using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios Bourbou, C. et al


The Middle Byzantine menu: palaeodietary information from isotopic analysis of humans and fauna from Kastella, Crete Bourbou, C. and Richards M.P.


The need for preserved food in the Byzantine Empire Leestemaker, Linda

Universiteit Leiden


Urban gardens, agriculture, and water management: Sources of resilience for long-term food security in cities Barthel, Stephan and Christian Isendahl


Vegetarianism in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: The transmission of a regimen Parry, Ken



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