Arts, Crafts, and Trades in Ancient and Byzantine Thessaloniki: Archaeological, Literary, and Epigraphic Evidence Antonaras, Anastassios Ch
A Byzantine Gold Medallion at Dumbarton Oaks Ross, Marvin C
A Middle Byzantine Silver Treasure Ballian, Anna and Anastasia Drandaki
Byzantine Agricultural Implements: The Evidence of Medieval Illustrations of Hesiod's Works and Days Bryer, Anthony
Byzantine Metalwork before and after the Fall of Constantinople Byron, Robert
Byzantine silversmiths' work around AD 1000 between China and the Ottonians : the Beszterec holy water vessel Kiss, Etele
Glass, Wax, and Metal: Lighting technologies in Late Antique, Byzantine, and medieval times
Book Motsianos, Ioannis and Karen S Garnett
Gold, Goldsmiths, and Goldsmithing in Byzantium Rhoby, Andreas
Metal Production Towards the End of Byzantine Rule in Eastern Macedonia Nerantzis
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry
Middle Byzantine bronze crosses of intermediate size: Form, use and meaning
Proquest Sandin, Karl Ayers
The Cleveland Byzantine Silver Treasure Milliken, William M.
The Comparative Study of Tool Marks on Non-Ferrous Metalwork from Archaeological Contexts: Methodological Considerations, Case Studies, andExperimental Archaeology
pdf Buhler, Brigit and David Zsolt Schwarcz
The economic history of Byzantium : from the seventh through the fifteenth century; Washington, DC; Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Book Papathanassiou, Maria K
Three Byzantine Bronze Candelabra from the Grand Lavra Monastery and Saint Catherine's Monastery in Siani Bouras, Laskarina