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Egyptian Textiles


Updated: Oct 22, 2023


A Medieval Face-veil from Egypt Eastwood, Gillian


A New Interpretation of the Economic History of Medieval Egypt: The Role of the Textile


Clothing Culture: Dress in Egypt in the First Millennium AD Pritchard, Frances


Coptic and Byzantine textiles found in Egypt: Corpora, collections, and scholarly perspectives Thomas, Thelma K

Chapter Title


Coptic Dress In Egypt: The Social Life Of Medieval Cloth Bazinet, Michael


Egyptian textiles and their production: word and object (Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Periods) Mossakowska-Gaubert, Maria



Egypto-Islamic Textiles Weibel, Adele Coulin


Embroideries from Islamic Medieval Egypt in the Newberry Collection, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Marianne Ellis


Fayoum Textiles Features during Tulunid Period (868-905 AD)

pdf Edwards, Evan and Neven Farag


Five Egyptian Tapestry-Weavings in Swedish Museums Lamm, Johan




Foreign influences in Mamluk textiles: The formation of a new aesthetic Sardi, Maria


Greek Terms for "Flax," "Linen," and Their Derivatives; And the Problem of Native Egyptian Phonological Influence on the Greek of Egypt Georgacas, Demetrius J


of dyes in Egyptian textiles of the first millennium AD from the collection Fill-Trevisiol Karapanagiotis, Ioannis et al



Knots, Archaeologically Encountered: A Case Study of the Material from the Ptolemaic and Roman Harbour at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast)


Medieval Mediterranean Textiles in the Victoria and Albert Museum: Resist Dyed Linens from Egypt Dating from the Fourth to the Seventh Centuries A.D. Woolley, Linda


Methods of Hand Spinning in Egypt and Sudan Crowfoot, Grace M.


On the Early Use of Cotton in the Nile Valley Griffith, F.Ll. and G.M. Crowfoot


Rethinking Mamluk Textiles Walker, Bethany J.

Oklahoma State University


Riding Costume in Egypt: Origin and Appearance

Fluck, Cacillia and Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood


Roman and Byzantine Dress in Egypt King, Donald


Sultans with Horns: The Political Significance of Headgear in the Mamluk Empire


Textiles from Medieval Egypt, A.D. 300-1300 Thomas, Thelma K



The Benaki Collection of Fustat Textiles - Analysis and Provenance Varadarajan, Lotika



The “Coptic” textiles of the “Museo Egizio” in Torino (Italy): a focus on dyes through a multi-technique approach Gulmini, Monica et al

Springer Link


The Evolution of Two Traditional Coptic Tape Patterns: Further Observations on the Classification of Coptic Textiles Thompson, Deborah


The Flax Trade in the Mediterranean in the Eleventh Century A.D. as Seen in Merchants’ Letters from the Cairo Geniza* Gil, Moshe


The Importance of the Cairo Geniza Manuscripts for the History of Medieval Female Attire


The Mamluk Kaaba Curtain in the Bursa Grand Mosque Okumura, Sumiyo

University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The Role of Flax in Roman and Fatimid Egypt Mayerson, Phillip


"The Turbah of Sitt Sutaytah: A Funerary Foundation for a Mamluk Noblewoman in Fourteenth-Century Damascus" Kenney, Ellen

American University in Cairo


Tissus D'Egypte: Temoins du monde arabe VIII-XV siecles Andre, Paul (editor)


Toward an Understanding of Mamluk Silks: National and International Considerations


Unraveling the (Production) Secrets of an Egyptian Textile Wertz, Julie H.


Weaving for the Hajj under the Mamluks Sardi, Maria

Chapter Title



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