An Etruscan aristocrat Swaddling, J
Etruscan civilization: a cultural history Haynes, S
Etruscan couples and their aristocratic society Bonfante, L
Etruscan life and afterlife: a handbook of Etruscan studies Bonfante, L
Etruscan marriage Bartoloni, Gilda et al
Etruscan myth, sacred history, and legend De Grummond, NT
Etruscan Women's Lives: Re-envisioning the Role of Women in Myths, Mirrors, and Other Funerary Artifacts Salazar, SH
Health and medicine for Etruscan women Turfa, JMI
Interpreting early Etruscan structures: the question of Murlo Turfa, JMI et al
Luxuria prolapsa est: Etruscan wealth and decadence Becker, H
Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa: An Etruscan aristocrat Swaddling, J
Servants at a rich man's feast: early Etruscan household slaves and their procurement
Tarquinia. An Etruscan city Leighton, R
The daily life of Etruscan babies and children Bonfante, L et al
To give and to receive: The role of women in Etruscan sanctuaries Edlund-Berry, IEM