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Ireland - Ceramics



A Potted History: Medieval Ulster Coarse Pottery McSparron, Cormac


A Red Slip Flanged Rimsherd discovered in Ireland: an exploration of archaeological deposition and provenance using automated SEM-EDS analysis (QEMSCAN).

Kelly, A. Et al



Crannog and Everted-Rim Pottery Ivens, Richard J


"Distant Voices, Still-Lifes" , Late Medieval Religious Painting as a Context for Archaeological Ceramics Gaimster, David R.M.



Irish-Scottish connections in the first millennium AD: an evaluation of the links between souterrain ware and Hebridean ceramics Armit, Ian


Mediterranean and Frankish pottery imports in early medieval Ireland Doyle, Ian W


Native Pottery in Early Historic Ireland Ryan, Michael


Pots on the hearth: domestic pottery in historic Ireland

McCutcheon, Clare and Rosanne Meenan


Pottery production in twelfth–fifteenth-century Ireland as an indicator of cultural, social and economic relationships Curtin, Niamh


Radiocarbon dating mortar: The identification of a Medieval Irish round tower using a multi-method inter-comparative approach Barrett, Gerard Thomas et al


The medieval coarse pottery of Ulster McSparron, Cormac


Vessels of Honor and Dishonor: The Symbolic Character of Irish Earthenware


Where Have All the Early Medieval Clay Moulds Gone? An Experimental Archaeological Investigation of Bi-Valve Clay Moulds in Ireland, AD 400-1100 O'Neill, Brendan

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