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Sex & Gender: Ireland

Updated: Feb 5, 2023


A Woman for Three Cows and Three Cows for a Woman: Property, Gender, and Agency in Early Medieval Ireland Parmer, A


Cáin Lánamna: An Old Irish Tract on Marriage and Divorce Law Eska, Charlene



Constructing Gender in Medieval Ireland Sheehan, S and A. Dooley



Gender(ed) Identities? Anglo-Norman Settlement, Irish-ness, and The Statutes of Kilkenny of 1367 Mitchell, Linda E.


Intermarriage in Fifteenth-Century Ireland: The English and Irish in the 'Four Obedient Shires' Booker, Sparky


Land of Women: Tales of Sex and Gender from Early Ireland Bitel, Lisa M



Marriage in Medieval Ireland Cosgove, Art


Men on pilgrimage – women adrift: thoughts on gender in sea narratives from early medieval Ireland Bekkhus, Eivor


Mere Embroiderers? Women and Art in Early Medieval Ireland Ghradaigh, Jenifer Ni


Sex, Sin, and Celibacy in Early Christian Ireland Bitel, Lisa


Sovereignty Aspects in the Roles of Women in Medieval Irish and Welsh Society


Space and place: Archaeologies of Female Monasticism in Later Medieval Ireland

(Chapter Title)


The Legal Status of Women in Early and Medieval Ireland and Wales in Comparison with Western European and Mediterranean Societies: Environmental and Social Correlations


The Marriage Well at Teltown: Holy Well Ritual at Royal Cult Sites and the Rite of Temporary Marriage Mallery, Silas J


The Women of County Louth in the Later Medieval Period, 1170-1540 Kenny, Gillian


Travelers and Settled Folk: Women, Honor, and Shame in Medieval Ireland


Women's Donations to the Churches in Early Ireland Bitel, Lisa

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