A Cell of Their Own: The Incarceration of Women in Late Medieval Italy Geltner, Guy
Abandoned Children of the Italian Renaissance: Orphan Care in Florence and Bologna
Book Terpstra, N
Becoming a Blond in Renaissance Italy Stephens, Janet
Cherchez la Femme: Finding Renaissance Women's Lives in Italian Archives
https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/article/364947/summary Murphy, Caroline P
Collecting Women: Three French Kings and Manuscripts of Empire in the Italian Wars
Convent as Classroom: The Education of Women in Renaissance Italy Weiss, Jessica Nicole
Cosmetics in Roman Antiquity: Substance, Remedy, Poison Olson, Kelly
Disputes and disparity: women in court in medieval southern Italy Skinner, Patrica
University of Reading
Family and Gender in Renaissance Italy, 1300-1600 Kuehn, T
Family Interests? Women’s Power: the absence of family in dowry restitution cases in fifteenth‐century Valencia Wessell, Dana Justina
Fatherhood in late Lombard Italy Balzaretti, Ross
(Chapter Title) https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv5139fw.7
Father of the Bride: Fathers, Daughters, and Dowries in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Venice Queller, Donald E
Female Representation and Violence in the Ceremonial Entries of the Italian Wars
https://doi.org/10.1111/rest.12801 Reid, Elizabeth
Gender and Civic Authority: Sexual Control in a Medieval Italian Town Lansing, Carol
Gender and Insult in an Italian City: Bologna in the later Middle Ages Dean, Trevor
Gender and Society in Renaissance Italy Brown, JC
Gender, war, and the State: The military management of Alda Pio Gambara during the Italian Wars Bowd, Stephen
In Widow's Habit: Women between Convent and Family in Sixteenth-Century Milan
https://www.jstor.org/stable/2542255 Baerstein, P. Renee
Intimate Strangers: Slave Women as Wetnurses in Medieval Genoa Cluse, Christoph
Law, Family, and Women: Toward a Legal Anthropology of Renaissance Italy Kuehn, Thomas
Lesbian (In)Visibility in Italian Renaissance Culture: Diana and Other Cases of donna con donna Simons, Patricia
Lettere tra Paolo Giordano Orsini e Isabella de' Medici (1556-1576): In appendice lettere a Isabella dai fratelli, da sovrani, principi, ambasciatori e altri
Book Mori, Elisabettea Ed.
Lineage strategies and the control of widows in Renaissance Florence Chabot, Isabelle
Lucrezia Marineli and Women's Identity in Late Italian Renaissance
https://www.jstor.org/stable/43444859 Allen, Prudence and Filippo Salvatore
Machiavelli in Love: Sex, Self, and Society in the Italian Renaissance Ruggiero, Guido
Making Their Own Way: Women of Means in Late Renaissance Milan Fregulia, JM
Marriage and Consent in Pre-Tridentine Venice: Between Lay Conception and Ecclesiastical Conception, 1420-1545 Cristellon, Cecilia
Marriage, Dowry, and Citizenship in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy Krishner, Julius
Marriage Transactions in Renaissance Italy and Mauss's Essay on the Gift Bestor, Jane Fair
Medieval and Renaissance matrons, Italian-style King, Catherine
Parading in Public: Patrician Women and Sumptuary Law in Renaissance Siena
https://www.jstor.org/stable/44614540 Jackson, Philippa
Parishes and Patriarchy: Gender and Boundaries in Late Medieval Venice Madden, TF
Prescribing Fashion: Dress, Politics and Gender in Sixteenth-Century Italian Conduct Literature Currie, Elizabeth
Private Lives and Public Lies: Texts by Courtesans of the Italian Renaissance
https://www.jstor.org/stable/40754861 Bassanese, Fiora A.
Renaissance Women Patrons: Wives and Widows in Italy, C. 1300-1550
Book King, Catherine E. and Margaret L King
Rethinking Modes of Political Influence: Catherine de' Medici and her Female Political Network Benner, Kelly A.
Savonarola's Women: Visions and Reform in Renaissance Italy Herzig, Tamar
"That's How It Is": Comic Travesties of Sex and Gender in Early Sixteenth Century Venice
Chapter Nicholson, Eric A.
The Business of Prostitution in Early Renaissance Venice Clarke, Paula C.
The Honest Courtesan: Veronica Franco, Citizen and Writer in Sixteenth-Century Venice
Book Rosenthal, Margaret F.
The Manly Masquerade: Masculinity, Paternity, and Castration in the Italian Renaissance
Book Finucci, Valeria
The Strozzi of Florence: Widowhood and Family Solidarity in the Renaissance Crabb, Anne
Thwarted Ambitions: Six Learned Women of the Italian Renaissance King, Margaret Leah
Urban Growth and Family Structure in Medieval Genoa Hughes, Daine Owens
Renaissance Women Patrons: Wives and Widows in Italy, c. 1300-1550 King, C
Shining Eyes, Cruel Fortune: The Lives and Loves of Italian Renaissance Women Poets
Book Jaffe, Imma B
Sumptuary laws and prostitution in late medieval Italy Brundage, James A
The Portraiture of Women During the Italian Renaissance Masters, Rachel D
Widowhood and poverty in late medieval Florence Chabot, Isabelle
Women and Space in a Renaissance Italian City Ghirardo, D
Women Between the Law and Social Reality in Early Renaissance Italy Meek, Christine
Women During the Italian Renaissance: Stereotypes vs Realities Credit, Leslie K
Women, Gender, and Rulership in Medieval Italy Hurlburt, Holly S.
Women in Italian Renaissance Art: Gender, Representation and Identity Tinagli, Paola
Women in the Streets: Essays on Sex and Power in Renaissance Italy Cohn, SK
Women's Property Rights in Portugal Under Dom Joao (1385-1433): A Comparison With Renaissance Italy Sperling, J