A Coin of the Ostrogothic King Theodoric, Discovered in Lukar, Promina
pdf Separovic, Tomislav
Belt Buckle with Almandine Ornament and Pieces of Fabric from a Warrior Grave Discovered in Novi Ceminac, in Baranja Dugonjic, Anita et al
Byzantine, Goths, and Lombards in Italy: Jewellery Dress and Cultural Interaction
pdf Christie, Neil
Characteristics of the end of the Roman Period according to material from Baitai grave site (near Klaipėda) Bantye-Rowell, Rasa
Expressions of Power – Luxury textiles from early medieval northern Europe Marzinzik,Sonja
From Constantine to Charlemagne: An Archaeology of Italy, AD 300-800 Christie, Neil ed.
Gems From Far Away India Pavlovic, Dasa
Multicultural Clothing in Sixth-Century Ravenna Magoula, Olga
Ostrogothic Italy: Questioning the Archaeologies of Settlement Christie, Neil
Ravenna in the Sixth Century: The Archaeology of change Jaggi, Carol
The Ostrogothic buckle with cloisonné decoration from Tortona (Italy) Giostra, Catering
The Study of the Lombards and the Osthrogoths at the German Archaeological Institute of
Rome, 1937-1943 Frohlich, Thomas
The Tracks of an Important Late Roman Germanic Necropolis in Central Italy: The Excavation in the area of Piana del Fiume in the Municipality of Pozzilli, Province of Isernia, Molise
pdf Raddi, Michele
Who Were the Gepids and Ostrogoths on the Middle Danube in the 5th Century? An Archaeological Perspective Racz, Zsofia