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Scotland: Archaeological Finds


Updated: Dec 4, 2023


A Pictish brooch mould from North Uist: implications for the organisation of non-ferrous metalworking in the later 1st Millenium A.D. Campbell, E and A. Heald

Medieval Archaeology


A study of the botanical material from three medieval Scottish sites Fraser, Mary J


An Ivory Knife Handle from the High Street, Perth, Scotland: Consuming Ritual in a Medieval Burgh Hall, Mark


Aspects of the Early Historic Period in South West Scotland: A Comparison of the material cultures of Scottish Dal Riada and the British kingdoms of Strathclyde and Rheged


Backland activities in medieval Perth: excavations at Meal Vennel and Scott Street

pdf Cox, Adiran


Bog Bodies from Scotland: Old Finds, New Records Crowie, Trevor, John Pickin, and Colin Wallace


Ceramic and Cultural Change in the Hebrides AD 500–1300 Lane, Alan


Early medieval settlement and ironworking in Dornoch, Sutherland excavations at The Meadows Business Park Coleman, Russell



Excavation at 45-47 Gallowgate, Aberdeen Murray, Hilary

Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1984


‘Flesche and Fische aneuch’: the Role of Animals in the Scottish Medieval Economy

pdf Smith, Catherine


Medieval Scotland : an archaeological perspective Yeoman, Peter






Roots of Nationhood: The Archaeology and History of Scotland

Book Campbell, Louisa, Dene Wright, and Nicola A. Hall


Seeing through stone: Materiality and place in a medieval Scottish pendant reliquary


The Development of a Medieval Street Frontage: The Evidence From Excavations at 80-86 High Street, Perth Moloney, Colm and Russell Colemand

Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1997


The Interpretation Of Non-Ferrous Metalworking In Early Historic Scotland



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