Thank you Master Hildrebrandr Tjuguskegg for sharing his resources with us.
A Scythian Burial-Mound with a Sarcophagus Bearing Painted Decoration
Book Bunyatyan, Ekaterina P and Elena Fialko
A Silver Phiale from the Scythian Barrow Semykina Mogila Bolryk, Yuri and Mihail Yu Treister
A Study on the Sycthian Buckle Kim, Moon-Ja
A Study on the Scythian Gold Plaques Kim, Moon-Ja
Art of the Steppes Jettmar, Karl
From the Landsof the Scythians Piotrovsky, Boris
Grey Pottery from Monuments of the Early Scythian Period in the Middle Dnester Region (Western Podlian Group of Monuments) Daragan, Marina
History of Ukrainan Costume: From the Scythian perio to the late 17th Century
Book Ukranian Heritage Library
Scythian Art Charriere, Georges
Scythian Age Burial at Tisalok Scholtz, Robert
Scythian Bow from Xinjiang Karpowicz, Adam and Stephen Selby
Scythian Culture burial complexes of the Dnipro Left-bank forest steppe: A multivariate analyisis Korokhina, AV and DS Grechko
Sychtian Gold: Treasures from Ancient Ukraine Reeder, Ellen D and E Jacobson
Scythians and Greeks: A Survey of Ancient History and Archaeology on the North Coast of the Euxine from teh Danube to the Caucasus Minns, Ellis H
Social and Economic Stratification of the Scythians from the Steppe Region Based on Black-glazed Pottery from Burials Gavriljuk, Nadezda A
Chapter Title: Meetings of Cultures in the Black Sea Region
The Art of the Scythians: The Interpretation of Cultures at the Edge of Hellenic World
Book Jacobson, Esther
The Golden Deer of Eurasia: Scythian and Sarmatian Treausres from the Russian Steppes Book Aruz, J
The Scythians Cunliffe, Barry
The Scythians 700-300 BC Cernenko, Dr. EV
The Splendor of Scythian Art Artamonov, MI
TheWorld of the Scythians Rolle, Renate
You are what you wear Gleba, M
Chapter Title: Dressing the Past
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