Beyond fragments and shards: Children in Medieval Bergen Mygland, Sigrid Samset
Birds in Subsistence and Culture at Viking Age Sites in Denmark Gotfredsen, AB
Bonded People: Making Thralls Visible in Viking-Age and Early Medieval Sweden Zachrisson, Torun
Canute the Great: 995 (circ.)-1035 and the Rise of Danish Imperialism During the Viking Age
Larson, Laurence Marcellus Book
Childhood in Viking and Hiberno-Scandinavian Dublin, 800-1100
Book chapter Hadly, D. and A. Ten Harkel (editors)
Approaching the cultural continuum in the Danish–Frisian coastal areas in the early Viking Age" Croix, Sarah et al
East Midlands Sloth, Pernille Rohde et al
Everyday Life in Viking-Age Towns: Social Approaches to Towns in England and Ireland, c. 800-1100 Hadley, D.M. and Letty ten Harkel
From Viking Stronghold to Christian Kingdom: State Formation in Norway, c. 900-1350
Book Bagge, Sverre
Hedeby in Wulfstan’s days: a Danish emporium of the Viking Age between East and West
pdf Hilberg, Volker
Icelanders in the Viking Age: The People of the Sagas Short, William R.
Means of Exchange: Dealing with Silver in the Viking Age Skre, Dagfinn
Norse Drinking Traditions Ward, CL
Norse Warfare: The Unconventional Battle Strategies of the Ancient Vikings
Book Sprague, Martina
Plants and Vikings: Everyday Life in Viking Age Denmark Robinson, D
Rus´, Varangians and Birka Warriors Hedenstierna-Jonson, Charlotte
The Martial Society
Saxo Grammaticus's Account of the Viking Age Site on the Danish Island of Hjarnø in Gesta Danorum Sebo, Erin and Matthew Firth
Silver, Butter, Cloth: Monetary and Social Economies in the Viking Age
Book Kershaw, Jane ed et al
"Simulating Sea Surfaces for Modeling Viking Age Seafaring in the Baltic Sea"
PDF Indruszewski, George and C. M. Barton
Taxation, Tolls and Tribute: The Language of Economics and Trade in Viking-Age Ireland Valante, Mary A.
The Greenland Norse Lynnerup, Niels
The Lands of Denemearce: Cultural Differences and Social Networks of the Viking Age in South Scandinavia Sindbaek, Soren M.
The Norse Settlements in the British Islands Bugge, Alexander
The Norse Traffic with Iceland Marcus, G.J.
The Norwegian Invasion of England in 1066 DeVries, Kell
The Scandinavians from the Vendel Period to the Tenth Century: An Ethnographic Perspective Jesch, Judith
The Social Context of Settlement in Norway in the First Millennium AD Skre, Dagfinn
The Swedish Part in the Viking Expeditions Roos, William
The Vikings in Munster Birkett, Tom and Christina Lee (Editors)
The Vikings of Haithabu (8th - 10th Century AD): Burials and Identity
pdf Lorenzen, Daniel Saager
Travelling with Textiles - Production, Consumption, and Trade in the Viking Age
Strand, Eva Andersson PDF: Museum of Far East Antiquities - Stockholm
Viking Age Foodways at the Hrísbrú Farmstead Zori, Davide et al
Viking Age Hedeby and Its Relations with Iceland and the North Atlantic: Communication, Long-distance Trade, and Production Hilberg, Volker et al
Viking Expansion Northwards: Mediaeval Sources Hofstra, Tette and Samplonius Kees
Viking Friendship: The Social Bond in Iceland and Norway, c. 900-1300
Book Sigurdsson, Jon Vidar
Viking Resources for the Re-enactor Thora Sharptooth
Viking Trade and Settlement in Continental Western Europe Klaesoe, Iben Skibsted
Viking Worlds: Things, Spaces and Movement Eriksen, Marianne Hem
Violence and Historical Authenticity: Rape (and Pillage) in Popular Viking Fiction Sigurdson, Erika Ruth
What did they sound like? Reconstructing the music of the Viking Age Chihiro Tuskamoto
Women Traders of the Viking Age: An Analysis of Grave Goods Mierswa, Emily